
Elena's Puquio

Elena's Puquio

The cloudy clouds and the nature of the forest, sounds, cries, songs, relate mysterious things that always attract the attention of all visitors, but the curiosity of children is always inevitable. At a certain moment of the day, we remembered or lived together as a family and some children liked to hear stories of the great ones, others bored them and preferred to watch television. The phrase as easy as stealing a candy from a child is not always as easy as it is said, so it is easier to say than to do it. But, on the other hand, there are always interesting stories for all children and they always end up remembering: the blows of life. What I will relate is one of those blows, but blows of conscience. Those blows that leave you with reflection and imagination for at least 3 minutes. My primary teachers used to take us to the riverbank, to the so-called "camaraderie" to which they still do it today: they tell us the same typical legends and myths that exist in the city. Bu